Directing Milo - John Dower Shares His Experience Working On Lionhead's Milo & Kate

Drama director John Dower has discussed, in a new video, his experience working on Peter Molyneux's Milo project for 3 years. Showing new footage of the game, Dower discusses the goals of the project, detailing the motion capture process in particular.

Unveiled alongside Kinect at Microsoft's 2009 E3 conference, Milo has been the subject of much discussion amongst gamers. Having spent many years developing the technology behind Milo, and defending its position as a real game, the last official word from Microsoft is that Milo was "never a product".

On The Engadget Show last year Molyneux described Milo, as it has been shown, as "The tech. How we can use that tech. He is one character in a cast of many characters". Molyneux remained adamant that Milo is "absolutely a game" and that there is a "bigger game around this technology".

Eurogamer later posted a rumor that Milo has been "cancelled" and the tech is to be used in a "Kinect Fable Game".

Although the current status of the project may be unknown, the video is nevertheless interesting. We've no doubt Lionhead are using the tech to create something. Whatever that may be, we'll have to wait to find out.

"Emotion Capture" - Directing Milo from John Dower on Vimeo.

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