New Xbox in 2013, New Kinect in 2014?

Rumors regarding the next generation of consoles have been ramping up lately, and perhaps the biggest yet is a supposed leaked timeline for Microsoft covering the next few years.

Originating at MS Nerd, who have a fair track record with Microsoft rumors, the leaked list seems to indicate that Microsoft plan to announce the Xbox 360's successor, codenamed "loop", at E3 2013, with a launch later that year.

Between now and then, the list states that Microsoft will release the commercial Kinect SDK next year, which we have been expecting, as well as an Xbox SDK and the third generation of Kinect games at E3 2012. Following that, the Xbox Store will launch alongside Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. One unified store, perhaps?

If the rumored list is to be believed, Microsoft will continue to support the current Kinect as well as updating the SDK past the launch of their new system, leading to the unveiling of Kinect 2.0 at E3 2014.

Also of note is "Windows 8 PU" and "Xbox PU" which are said to launch in 2013 and 2014. PU could stand for 'Portable Unit', refering to Windows 8 tablet devices and a new portable with a focus on gaming. Whatever they may be, it's likely part of Microsoft's grand plan to connect the 3 screens together under one unified umbrella -- Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Xbox "Loop". 

Check out the full timeline below:

CES 2012
Win8 + WinStore beta
Tango1 launch

MWC 2012
Tango2 SDK

MIX 2012
Win8 RC
<ONM> beta
Tango2 launch + Apollo announce
Kinect commercial SDK

E3 2012
Xbox SDK, 3G Kinect games announce
Apollo SDK
Win8 RTM

Aug 2012
Win8, <ONM>, WP8, Xbox Store launch

Build 2012
XAML+XDE platform
Win8 PU DP
<OSN> announce

CES 2013
Win8 PU Beta

MWC 2013
Apollo+1 teaser

MIX 2013
HTML platform (IE11)
Win8 PU RC
<OSN> Beta
Apollo+1 SDK

E3 2013
Xbox”loop” announce

Build 2013
Win9 DP
Xbox”loop” launch

CES 2014
Win9 Beta

MWC 2014
WPN teaser

MIX 2014
Win9 RC
Kinect SDK update

E3 2014
Kinect HP2 announce
Xbox PU announce

Build 2014
Win9 RTM (IE12)
Xbox PU preview

Nov 2014
Win9, Win9M, Kinect HP2 launch

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