Kinect Sales Hit 2.5 Million

Microsoft are half way to achieving their goal of 5 million Kinect sales this holiday after only 25 days on store shelves. Microsoft today announced that, with a little help from Black Friday weekend, Kinect has sold over 2.5million units Worldwide since it's launch in North America on November 4th.

“With sales already exceeding two and a half million units in just 25 days, we are on pace to reach our forecast of 5 million units sold to consumers this holiday.” said Don Mattrick, president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. “We are thrilled about the consumer response to Kinect, and are working hard with our retail and manufacturing partners to expedite production and shipments of Kinect to restock shelves as fast as possible to keep up with demand.”

With Kinect now available in 38 countries, and strong Christmas sales likely over the coming month it is looking increasingly likely that Microsoft will meet their target.

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