Academy Award winning visual designer John Gaeta (Matrix Trilogy, Speed Racer) and his company FLOAT has been working on a Kinect title since 2009, it has been revealed by a job posting on GamaSutra. Since forming in 2009, FLOAT has been doing "advanced work exploring the potential of NUI based experiences viable with KINECT and other emergent motion platforms."
They are seeking staff for current and future projects including a "seasoned Lead Engineer who has the skills and experience to drive the technology and engineering efforts of a new, truly innovative Kinect title" where they will "work closely with a small, dedicated team of engineers, artists and designers to make the next BIG Xbox 360 Kinect title".
With the project seemingly deep in development, could we expect an unveiling at E3 this June? We'll keep you up to date with the latest details as soon as they're available!