New Calorie Burning Kinect Sports DLC Next Week

Rare are launching a new DLC pack for their best selling Kinect Sports next week. In Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge your favorite lunch foods and snacks will take the forms of your Avatar Calorie Rivals. Players must compete against mascots such as Peppy Pizza and Mighty Milk to burn through a series of challenges in an allotted time in order to meet the calorie goal set by each competitor. Here are the individual challenges:

• Steady Celery (26 calories)
• Blazing Banana (63 calories)
• Mighty Milk (91 calories)
• Super Soda (129 calories)
• Chunky Chocolate (177 calories)
• Peppy Pizza (238 calories)

The add-on will be available April 29 for 320 points and will offer 250G of new achievements, as well as 2 new avatar awards.

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