Kung Fu High Impact aims to transport players into the world of a kung-fu side-scrolling beat-em-up. You may recognise the game as Kung-Fu Live, which utilized the Playstation 3's PSEye camera to attempt the same thing late last year. Now the developers, Virtual Air Guitar, are bringing a more advanced version to Kinect.
Launching worldwide this Novemember, Kung Fu High Impact will hit retail stores rather than Xbox Live Arcade, allowing you to step right into the pages of an action comic. Using the real image of the player, your actions will let you directly ineract with the enemies on screen, kicking, punching and jumping your way through the levels, as well as activating more advanced magic attacks.
It's unclear in what way the original game will be expanded upon outside of better tracking from the use of Kinect, but given the natural fit lets hope that the developers explored what else is possible using Kinect's added depth and accuracy.