A Gears of War Kinect title has been long rumored, almost since the launch of Kinect. Although that game never materialized, and Epic confirmed to Eurogamer recently that it isn't something they're working on right now, the creator of the franchise, Cliff Bleszinski has told IndustryGamers that it is definitely something he's interested in.
"[Gamers] want the hybrid experience, which I think is pretty compelling. One of the sexiest things at the press conference was the Ghost Recon thing where the guy went bam and the gun exploded. That was hot. Good for them. And I said last year at this very party... I think hybrids would be great. And now we’re seeing hybrids. So maybe eventually we’ll see more hardcore games that are Kinect only, but you have 6 million Gears, however many million Halos, and however many Call of Dutys. 26 years of traditional controls aren’t going to go away anytime soon, right?" Bleszinski commented.
Bleszkinski reiterated that the upcoming Gears of War 3 won't be getting any Kinect support as they don't want it to be "tacked on", but he would not rule out support in a future Gears or Epic title.
"If, in the event there were to be another Gears game, that’s something we might explore. But we want to do it right. If I had unlimited amounts of time and a team, I could sit down and make a cool Kinect game, and I would love to, but it’s a matter of time and opportunity costs right now,"
Given Microsoft's strong Kinect push, and Gears of Wars position as one of the most important Xbox 360 franchises, it seems inevitable that Epic will be approached about Kinect support, if they haven't been already. Given their strong partnership, Microsoft would likely make sure Bleszinski has the resources he needs.
It's still early days, of course. A Gears of War Kinect game is certainly not out of the question, but if one is to exist it looks like we'll be waiting a while.
Creator of Gears of War Would "Love to Make a Cool Kinect Game"
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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